printmaking • action painting  

1 week summer camp  •  9am-12pm  

 SUNPRINTS are constructed with found objects and a special paper that reacts to sunlight. A favorite because the results are so quick! Let's get messy with ACTION PAINTING. We'll splatter, drip, drizzle and spray to create kaleidoscopic paintings on wood panels. MONOPRINTS are one of a kind images created by painting on a plastic plate, applying damp paper and rubbing. The results are always fun and surprising.  NATURE PRINTS use plants from my garden with a little help from the hammer! All activities are done on the outside art deck.  



 6 week session on Tuesday 3:30 - 4:45$120  

I like to expose young minds and hands to a variety of materials and techniques, and teach them art is their own personal self expression. Foundation classes include drawing from life, color studies, painting, pastels,  collage and printmaking.  All materials are supplied.   


 painting & illustration • winter session

We'll revisit some of the basics of observational drawing to begin. Each lesson will let us to experiment with acrylic, watercolor and pastels on a variety of surfaces. Themes are inspired from nature or still life and can be realistic or abstract. 

build, paint, print • spring SESSION • april 4 - may 16

This session will be a blend of some projects I've done before.  COASTAL BIRDHOUSES will focus on 3-D design and using hand tools, SUNPRINTS are constructed with found objects and a special paper that reacts to sunlight. ACTION PAINTING  We'll splatter, drip, drizzle and spray to create kaleidoscopic paintings on wood panels. As the weather gets warmer, I hope to do some classes on the outside art deck and also in the woodworking shop.  STARBURST SCARVES are colorful and  so much fun to watch your designs magically appear!


please fill out form to register

make check payable to Claire Mari  •  send to 240 Forge Road  NKRI  02852  or bring to first class

PHOTOS:  action painting • sunprints • nature prints • monoprints



1 week summer camp  •  9am-12pm  

 Working outside on the art deck, we'll create fabulous wearable projects that up cycle clothes and accessories. A favorite session to try some new techniques and projects. Campers  bring their old jeans, shoes, and tee shirts, all other materials supplied.  

PHOTOS:  splatter shoes & hats •glam hats • ombre and bleach stenciled jeans • color burst shirts and scarves • tie dye scarves • funky glasses

 PHOTOS: making marks with graphite • tonal landscape oil paintings • mandalas on wood •color theory pastel paintings • mixed media fish • collage self portrait • oil painting flowers • coastal birdhouses • splatter platters • mandalas & graphite drawing


Birthday or themed parties to create a memorable experience. Price available upon request.


Claire Mari Studio  •   240 Forge Road   North Kingstown, RI   02852   •  401.225.4963   •